Engineering :: Surveying

31.  The error in measured length due to incorrect holding of chain is
A. compensating error B. cumulative error
C. instrumental error D. negative error

32.  When the length of chain used in measuring distance is shorter than the standard length, the error in measured distance will be compensating error.
A. Right B. Wrong

33.  When the length of chain used in measuring distance is longer than the standard length, the error in measured distance will be
A. positive error B. negative error
C. compensating error D. none of these

34.  If a chain is used at a temperature at which it was calibrated, the error in measured length is positive.
A. equal to B. lower than
C. higher than

35.  If a chain is used at a temperature
A. equal to B. lower than
C. higher than

36.  The error in measured length due to sag of chain or tape is known as
A. positive error B. negative error
C. compensating error D. instrumental error

37.  When the measured length is less than the actual length, the error is known as
A. positive error B. negative error
C. compensating error D. instrumental error

38.  The positive error makes the measured distance
A. less than B. more than

39.  Which of the following statement is correct?
A. The error in measured length due to bad ranging is compensating error. B. If the chain used in measuring a distance is too short, the error is positive error.
C. The error in measured length due to careless holding of chain is cumulative error. D. When the pull applied while measuring with a tape, is more than the standard pull for that tape, the error in measured length is positive.

40.  The correction to the measured length will be negative when the chain is held on the ground sloping upwards.
A. Yes B. No

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