Engineering :: Soil Mechanics and Foundations

31.  The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called
A. water content ratio B. porosity
C. void ratio D. degree of saturation

32.  The ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water is called
A. void ratio B. porosity
C. specific gravity D. degree of saturation

33.  The unit weight of a soil at zero air voids depends upon
A. unit weight of water B. water content
C. specific gravity D. all of these

34.  The relation between the air content (ac) and the degree of saturation (s) is
A. ac = s B. ac = 1 - s
C. ac = 1 + s D. ac = 1/s

35.  The degree of saturation for fully saturated soil is
A. 0.25 B. 0.5
C. 0.75 D. 1

36.  The void ratio for saturated soil is equal to the
A. sum B. difference
C. product D. ratio

37.  The ratio of the volume of air voids to the volume of voids, is called
A. void ratio B. air content
C. degree of saturation D. porosity

38.  For a perfectly dry soil mass, the degree of saturation is zero
A. Yes B. No

39.  The difference between maximum void ratio and minimum void ratio of a sand sample is 0.30. If the relative density of this sample is 66.6% at a void ratio of 0.40, then the void ratio of this sample at its loosest state will be
A. 0.4 B. 0.6
C. 0.7 D. 0.75

40.  The dry density of a soil is 1.5 g/cm3. If the saturation water content is 50%, then its saturated density and submerged density will respectively be
A. 1.5 g / cm3 and 1.0 g / cm3 B. 2.0 g / cm3 and 1 g / cm3
C. 2.25 g / cm3 and 1.25 g / cm3 D. 2.50 g / cm3 and 1.50 g / cm3

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