Engineering :: Irrigation Engineering

1.  The irrigation engineering may be defined as
A. the process of artificially supplying water to soil for raising crops B. a science of planning and designing an efficient and economic irrigation system
C. the engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water, by the construction of dams, canals and finally distributing the water to the agricultural fields D. all of the above

2.  The irrigation is necessary in an area
A. where there is a scanty rainfall B. where the rainfall is non-uniform
C. where commercial crops require more water D. all of the above

3.  The irrigation water is said to be unsatisfactory, if it contains
A. chemicals toxic to plants or to persons using plants as food B. chemicals which react with the soil to produce unsatisfactory moisture characteristics
C. bacteria injurious to persons or animals eating plants irrigated with water D. all of the above

4.  Sandy soils with good drainage become impermeable after prolonged use, if it is irrigated with a water containing
A. 25% B. 50%
C. 75% D. 85%

5.  For irrigation purposes, the p-H value of water should be
A. between 3 and 6 B. between 6 and 8.5
C. between 8.5 and 11 D. more than 11

6.  Which of the salt present in water is harmful for cultivation purposes?
A. Sodium carbonate B. Potassium sulphate
C. Calcium sulphate D. none of these

7.  When an oven-dried sample of soil is kept open in the atmosphere, it absorbs some amount of water. This water is known as
A. capillary water B. gravitational water
C. hygroscopic water D. all of these

8.  A part of water which exists in the porous space of the soil by molecular attraction, is known as
A. capillary water B. gravitational water
C. hygroscopic water D. all of these

9.  A part of water which will move out of the soil, if proper drainage is provided, is known as gravitational water.
A. True B. False

10.  Super-fluous water is also called
A. capillary water B. gravitational water
C. hygroscopic water D. all of these

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