Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

31.  The aphelion occurs on about
A. 3-Jul B. 2-Jan
C. 21-Jun D. 21-Mar

32.  At equinoxes the declination angle is
A. 0? B. 90?
C. 45? D. 30?

33.  At equinoxes
A. the declination angle is zero B. the time during which the sun is visible is 12 hours
C. the time during which the sun is not visible is 12 hours D. all of the above

34.  The winter solstice occurs on about
A. 21-Nov B. 21-Jan
C. 22-Dec D. 31-Dec

35.  The summer solstice occurs on about
A. 21-Jun B. 22-Apr
C. 22-May D. 21-Jul

36.  The declination angle has a value of 23.45? on
A. 21-Mar B. 21-Jun
C. 22-Sep D. 21-Dec

37.  The declination angle has a value of -23.45? on
A. 21-Mar B. 22-Sep
C. 21-Jun D. 21-Dec

38.  The declination angle is zero on the two equinox days of about
A. March 21 and September 22 B. March 21 and June 21
C. March 21 and July 21 D. June 21 and May 21

39.  The hour angle is zero at
A. solar noon B. sunset
C. sun rise D. none of the above

40.  An expression for the hour angle ? is where ts is the solar time in hours
A. ? = 15(ts-6) B. ? = 15(ts+6)
C. ? = 15(ts-12) D. ? = 15(ts-12)

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