Engineering :: Nuclear Engineering

51.  The emission of a ?-particle causes the resultant nucleus to have
A. less atomic weight B. more atomic weight
C. less atomic number D. higher atomic number

52.  If the atomic weight of an element isA the correct expression is
A. e = A-p B. p = A-n
C. n = A + e D. A = n-e

53.  The mass number of an element is 40 and atomic number 20. The ratio of neutrons to protons is
A. 1:10 B. 1:20
C. 2:10 D. none of the above

54.  The atomic weight of elements are usually fractional because
A. these are mixtures of allotropes B. these are mixtures of isotopes
C. these are mixtures of isobars D. element always contains some impurities

55.  A radioactive element A on radioactive disintegration gives two elements B and C. If B is helium and C is the element of atomic number 90 and atomic weight 234.1 the element A is
A. 88Ra226 B. 91Pa234
C. 92U238 D. 90Th234

56.  A radioactive element X decays to give two inert gases. The element X is
A. 92U238 B. 86Ra226
C. 90Th234 D. none of these

57.  Unit of radioactivity is
A. Curie B. Fermi
C. Angstron D. Candle

58.  Isotopes of an element have same
A. mass number B. number of neutrons
C. atomic weight D. electronic configuration

59.  Isotopes of an element have different
A. chemical properties B. nuclear charge
C. electronic configuration D. mass number

60.  Which one of the following characteristics is different for the neutral atoms of the isotopes of an element?
A. Atomic number B. Atomic weight
C. Number of protons D. Number of electrons

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