Engineering :: Nuclear Engineering

91.  In all naturally occurring uranium the isotopic abundance of fission fuel as U-235 is
A. 99.29% B. 0.71%
C. 10% D. 0.10%

92.  The percentage of U-238 in all naturally occurring uranium is about
A. 99.29% B. 0.71%
C. 10% D. 99.99%

93.  The concentration of ThO2 in Indian monazite sands is about
A. 10-11 % B. 89-90%
C. 70-71% D. 29-30%

94.  In nuclear reactions
A. only the mass number is conserved B. only the atomic number is conserved
C. the mass number and the atomic number both are conserved D. neither the atomic number nor the mass number is conserved

95.  In the nuclear reaction given blow 4Be9 + 2He4 ----6Cx + on1 the value of x should be
A. 13 B. 12
C. 11 D. 6

96.  The sum of masses of two nuclei produced in fission is
A. less than the mass of the original nucleus B. more than the mass of the original nucleus
C. equal to the mass of the original nucleus D. many times less than the mass of the original nucleus

97.  To induce fusion the temperature of reacting substances must be raised to millions of degrees so that
A. the substance may burn more violently B. the base nuclei may possess sufficient kinetic energy to overcome their mutual electrostatic repulsion and thus they may come in bodily contact with other nuclei
C. fusion of atoms may take place at a faster rate D. thermoelectric effect may be increased

98.  The nuclear fusion is a reverse process of
A. nuclear fission B. thermionic emission
C. radioactive decay D. none of the above

99.  The rate of disintegration of a radioactive element
A. remains constant throughout B. progressively increases
C. progressively decreases D. may increase or decrease or remain constant

100.  Select the correct statement
A. The rate of disintegration of radioactive substances can be increased by applying intense heat to it B. The half-life period depends upon the quantity of radioactive substance present.
C. The rate of disintegration is proportional to the number of atoms of the radioactive substance present D. If the half-life period is T then after the elapse of time 2T all of the nuclei of the radioactive substances will have disintegrated.

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