Engineering :: Fuels and Combustion

11.  The lowest temperature at which a solid fuel produces enough vapours to support continuous combustion is called
A. flash point B. kindling temperature
C. burning temperature D. none of the above

12.  Ignition of liquid fuel at its flash point would cause
A. no combustion B. continuous combustion
C. no momentary flash

13.  Ignition of liquid fuel at its fire point would cause
A. continuous combustion B. a momentary flash
C. no combustion

14.  Excess air is to be supplied for combustion to be complete due to
A. its incomplete mixing B. obstruction of inert gas molecules
C. chemical equilibrium D. all of the above

15.  The most economic fuels are
A. solid fuels B. liquid fuels
C. gaseous fuels

16.  Wood at its kindling temperature will
A. burn momentarily then go out B. not burn at all
C. burn continuously

17.  Which would yield more energy when completely burned?
A. methane B. ethane
C. propane D. butane

18.  Which would give the greater amount of heat per cubic foot?
A. Hydrogen B. Carbon monoxide
C. Hydrogen sulphide D. Methane

19.  Which would give the greater amount of heat per cubic foot?
A. Hydrogen B. Natural gas
C. Liquefied petroleum gas D. Gobar gas

20.  What is the explosive range for hydrogen
A. 4.1 to 74.2 % B. 5.3 to 14.0 %
C. 3.2 to 12.5 % D. 2.1 to 9.4 %

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