Engineering :: Chemical Reaction Engineering

11.  Plants manufacture carbohydrates from the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere by
A. oxidation B. polymerization
C. condensation with water D. a photochemical reaction

12.  The rates of purely photochemical reactions do not depend on temperature to any significant extent because
A. they are exothermic reactions B. they are endothermic reactions
C. the energy of the reacting molecules exceeds the activation energy by absorption of light D. they are reversible reactions

13.  The reaction between organic material and oxygen is
A. an endothermic reaction B. an exothermic reaction
C. a photochemical reaction D. a biochemical reaction

14.  An exothermic reaction is that in which the reacting substances
A. have more energy than the products B. have less energy than the products
C. have as much energy as the products D. are at a higher temperature than the products

15.  The formation of water from H2(g) and O2(g) is an exothermic reaction because
A. H2(g) and O2(g) have a higher chemical energy than water B. H2(g) and O2(g) have a higher temperature than water
C. H2(g) and O2(g) have a lower chemical energy than water D. energy considerations do not arise

16.  Which of the following is a catalytic reaction?
A. Synthesis of water by passing electric sparks through a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen B. Neutralization of a dilute alkali solution by a small amount of a conentrated acid
C. Hydrolysis of an ester in the presence of H+ D. Darkening of silver halides in light

17.  A reaction which proceeds with absorption of heat is termed as
A. exothermic reaction B. endothermic reaction
C. thermo-chemical reaction D. photochemical reaction

18.  A reaction which proceeds with evolution of heat is called
A. thermo-nuclear reaction B. endothermic reaction
C. exothermic reaction D. photochemical reaction

19.  The excess energy of the reactants required to dissociates into products is known as
A. activation energy B. binding energy
C. threshold energy D. thermal energy

20.  For the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in presence of acids
A. the order of reaction is 1 and molecularity is 2 B. the order of reaction is 2 and molecularity is 2
C. the order of reaction is 2 and molecularity is 1 D. the order of reaction is 1 and molecularity is 1

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