Entry Test MCQ :: Biology Diagnostic Test

61.  The first stage of development in which a cavity appears is the
A. Neurula B. Morula
C. Gastrula D. Balastula

62.  Exposure to low temperature stimulates plants to flower. This is called
A. Photoperiodism B. Thermotropism
C. Vernalisation D. Thermoregulation

63.  The cells present in testes and secrete testosterone are
A. Sertoli cells B. Germinal cell
C. Interstitial cells D. Spermatocyte

64.  The type of learning in which there is loss or decrease in response to repeated stimuli
A. Imprinting B. Habituation
C. Latent learning D. Insight learning

65.  The one which causes contraction of wall of the uterus during and after birth
C. Oxytocin D. Progesterone

66.  The one which is a weed killer
C. 2 4-D D. GA

67.  Sleep movements are a type of
A. Turgor movements B. Growth movements
C. Tactic movements D. Paratonic movments

68.  The one that stores calcium
A. Sarcolemma B. Sarcoplasm
C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum D. Cytosol

69.  Which one of the following is most likely to occur in an animal during winter?
A. Activation of sweat glands B. Dilation of skin blood vessels
C. Panting D. Thermogenesis

70.  Sebum produced from sebaceous glands in a mammal helps in
A. Protection against micro organisms B. Temperature regulation
C. Excretion D. All of these

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