CSS :: Agronomy

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91.  Crop mixture have proved biologically most dynamic under:
A. Water stress conditions B. Irrigated condition
C. High soil fertility conditions D. Large holding conditions

92.  Crop production and animal husbandry collectively is know as:
A. Mixed cropping B. Relay farming
C. Mixed farming D. None of the above

93.  Crop rotation is defined as a:
A. System of growing different kinds of crops on the same land B. System of growing different crop in succession on the same land
C. A method of growing different crop D. System of growing the same crop on different fields

94.  Cropping intensity is:
A. The extent of the use of land for purposes other than cropping B. The extent of the use of land for cropping purposes during a given year
C. Net cropped area D. Gross cropped area

95.  Cropping intensity means:
A. Percentage ratio of gross cropped area to net cropped area B. Percentage ratio of net-cropped area to gross cropped area
C. Percentage ratio of the number of crops in rotation to period of one rotation D. Percentage ratio of gross cropped area to the net-cropped area

96.  Cropping pattern is defined as:
A. The proportion of area under different crops B. Growing different crops in a recurrent succession
C. The proportion of area under different crops at a particular point of time D. A method of growing different crops

97.  Crops during any reason are generally able to recover only _____ of the added fertilizer phosphorus:
A. Less than 25% B. Less than 30%
C. Less than 35% D. None of these

98.  Dapog method of crop raising is associated with:
A. Interculture operation B. Nursery raising
C. Seed-bed preparation D. Intercultivation

99.  Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to:
A. Sugarcane B. Tobacco
C. Paddy D. Jute

100.  Dapog seedlings would be ready for transplanting within:
A. 8 - 10 days B. 18 - 20 days
C. 21 - 25 days D. 11 - 14 days

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