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Physics Chemistry

General Knowledge :: Social Topics

  What do you do when you are hit with crisis
You go hide in a room?
You sulk and cry?
you complain to the world how unfair life is?

No to all above..

You get up in the morning and ask for Allah's guidance...then face your crisis..until crisis give up and you succeed...

Sajjad said:    
yes this is the best ways....

Shahbaz said:    
I think most people still do all the above 3 and then get up one day seekings Allah's guidance and strength, and face the fears with a firm resolve

Maqsood said:    
Hard work n trust Allah Sb possible hai

Sara said:    
My way is to go hide in my room , cry , pray and then face the crises with new strength and resolution . I think it`s good to go into your room and spend some time alone to find the strength within and indeed prayers work miracles .

Faisal said:    
what if someone married to crisis?

Farhan said:    
Face everything, Learn and Move forward. Only those people can do this thing, who have Passion to Grow.

Amir said:    
always remember. you have made a few mistake and you are not there where you want to be but that has nothing do to with your future.

Shabir said:    
Theory and practical are two separate things some people expert in theory and others in practical , but the successful would be who is expert in both .

Ahsan said:    
To get up and ask for the guidance of Allah is a spiritual practice which should be followed even in the good timings,we can not develop only during the moment of crises .be always thankful and follow the guidance of Allah all the time .

Sarwar said:    
When written in Chinese the word "Crises" is composed of two things One is Danger the other is Opportunity.. cross the danger with brave heart manly and chase for opportunities to grow.. cox "DAR K AAGY JEET HAI"

Ahsan said:    
Sarwar u mean JO DER GAYA WOH MER GAYA ? but yes to face crises with out fear is a good advise

Tariq said:    
Well there is an old adage "when going gets tough, the tough get going"

Faisal said:    
Well said. ALLAH guides those who put their full efforts. May ALLAH bless us all. Ameeen

Ibrar said:    
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to us and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to our advancement, we should include all things in your gratitude weather good or bad ( or crises)

Omer said:    
Face with them and then finally execute them with Allah's guidance.

Tahir said:    
Depends what is the cause of crisis...Of it is ones wife..then pray to Allah that Allah Almighty guide her too to end the crisis..that is the only way crisis gives up and you succeed...

Zahid said:    
Khuda us qaom ki halat nahe badalta Na ho khayal jis qaom ko apni halat badalny ka. just going in room and crying over it is all vain but u need to make the stretegy how to face the crisis rather than crying over it.

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