CSS :: Organic Evolution

21.  One of the following organ is not example of vestigial organ in man:
A. Plica semilunaris of eye B. Vermiform appendix
C. Skin hair D. Adrenal gland

22.  Which of the following animals has become extinet rather recently:
A. Pterodactyl B. Mammoth
C. Dodo D. Dinosaurs

23.  Which are the examples of vestigials organs in man:
A. Coceyx B. Plica semilunaris
C. Muscles of pinnae D. All of these

24.  Indicate which of the following sets of structures include only analogous organs:
A. Wings of butterfly, housefly and moth B. Winds of butterfly, bat and birds
C. Hind legs of horse, grass hopper and bat D. Mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honey bee

25.  Which of the following birds is unable to fly:
A. Peacock B. Duck
C. Emu D. Stork

26.  Wings are vestigial in which of the following birds:
A. Ostrich B. Kiwi
C. Emu D. All of these

27.  Snakes do not have legs because:
A. The legs are not found in lizards B. Ancestors of reptiles were without legs
C. Legs degenerated during evolutionary course D. Legs are lost when snake burrows

28.  Evolution is an excellent working hypothesis to approach the problem of:
A. Matter, energy and life B. Diversity of organisms
C. Environmental conditions D. Early development of the organism

29.  Animal repeat their racial history during their embryonic development is the theme of:
A. Mutation Theory B. Darwin's Theory
C. Recapitulation Theory D. Probability Theory

30.  In its most widely accepted sense, the organic evolution means Doctrine of Evolution is particularly concerned with:
A. Special creation B. Spontaneous generation
C. Descent with modification D. Inheritance of the parental characters

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