CSS :: Social Problems in Pakistan

31.  Which one of the following is not a practice for killing an individual by the society?
A. Capital punishment B. Shooting of the people by dacoits
C. None of above.

32.  One of the following was an approved practice of the society for killing an individual.
A. Sati system. B. Suicide as frustration in love.
C. Suicide as failure in the examination.

33.  Important cause of death in society is
A. individualistic suicide only B. situationalised suicide
C. both a and b

34.  In primitive societies oracles were consulted to treat a person
A. on prolonged illness. B. of a disease attributed witchcraft.
C. undergoing pains.

35.  The practice of religio-medical has
A. completely come to an end. B. existed in one form or the other.
C. None of above.

36.  When harmful effects of folkways are socially pointed out people
A. strongly define it B. gradually drop those
C. None of these

37.  Which of the following is not an important cause of migration of the people from one society to other?
A. Cost of travel to the new country. B. Form of government in the home country.
C. None of above.

38.  Which of the following is important cause of migration of the people from one society to other?
A. Better chances of employment in the country. B. Cultural unity of the receiving country.
C. Political unity of both the countries.

39.  Which one of the following is not a major consideration for the migration of people from one country to the other?
A. Economic policy B. Physical conditions
C. Extent of available labour

40.  Who of the following usually migrate in less numbers?
A. Young females with families. B. Young with unmarried families.
C. None of above.

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