CSS :: Social Problems in Pakistan

21.  Which of the following is not unconscious control on reproduction?
A. Taboos on social intercourse. B. Taboos against adultery.
C. Taboos against meeting of husband and wife.

22.  Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control on fertility?
A. Fixing minimum marriage age. B. Encouraging widow re-marriage.
C. None of above.

23.  Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control of fertility?
A. Insistence on polygamy B. Limiting on family size
C. None of these

24.  Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious controls?
A. Infanticide B. Use of contraceptives
C. Taboos against fornication

25.  Point out the factor which is not unconscious encouragement of fertility?
A. Rebate on income tax. B. Marriage of couples at mature age.
C. None of above.

26.  Which of the following is not important from reproduction viewpoint?
A. Creation of property B. Old age security
C. Production of goods

27.  Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?
A. Approval of non-marriage B. Sterility
C. Impotency

28.  Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?
A. Miscarriage B. Abortion
C. Legal prohibition on the use of contraceptives

29.  So far as society is concerned it
A. sometimes causes deaths B. encourages death
C. None of these

30.  Which of the following is not a practice for killing an individual by the society?
A. Leaving the orphans to destitute homes. B. Leaving the infirms to their care.
C. None of above.

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