CSS :: Social Problems in Pakistan

11.  In mid-1986, Pakistan's population is estimated at
A. 97.68 million B. 97.67 million
C. 97.65 million

12.  Population is growing at the natural rate of
A. 3.20% per year B. 3.40% per year
C. 3.50% per year

13.  In Pakistan, population resides in urban areas
A. 38% B. 28%
C. 48%

14.  According to the 1981 census, a total number of persons had migrated within the country are
A. 5.95 million B. 5.15 million
C. 5.92 million

15.  In Pakistan, population belongs to working age group is
A. 59% B. 35%
C. 52%

16.  Human population can
A. exist apart from cultural interaction. B. exist both apart from socio-cultural interaction.
C. not exist apart from socio-cultural interaction.

17.  Decrease in population of a society
A. is always a welcome B. can create crisis at some stages.
C. is never a welcome.

18.  Socially it may be said that procreation is
A. a biological factor. B. socially motivated factor.
C. None of above.

19.  Modern societies allow the young couple to
A. fully use their reproductivity. B. partially use their reproductive capacity.
C. None of above.

20.  Process of controlling production in many cases is
A. conscious process B. social compulsion
C. unconscious process

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