CSS :: Social Control

41.  Social control may be strengthened by the
A. government B. society
C. ceremonies

42.  Modern states have done away with the intoxicating control of
A. religion B. society
C. government

43.  It is the religion which enforces the spirit of
A. capitalism B. nationalism
C. socialism

44.  Laws do not regulate the
A. private life of a man B. social life of a man
C. None of these

45.  A considerable amount of control may be exerted by means of
A. art B. poetry
C. eloquence D. all of these

46.  Art may have
A. two-way effects B. three-way effects
C. one-way effect

47.  The social symbols are glorified by the things of
A. poetry B. art
C. music

48.  The domination of dynamic personalities and great leaders is also a kind of
A. social control B. economic control
C. None of these

49.  Leadership and submission is fundamental to every
A. economic aggregation B. social aggregation
C. political aggregation

50.  The extent of control exercised by the leaders varies from
A. time to time B. place to place
C. Both of these

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