CSS :: Methods of Sociological Research

31.  "Accurate watching and noting of phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause an effect of natural relations", is said by
A. Oxford Concise Dictionary B. C.A. Moser
C. P.V. Young

32.  "Observation is a systematic and deliberate study through the eyes of spontaneous occurrences at the time they occur" is said by
A. P. V. Young B. C.A. Moser
C. Oxford Concise Dictionary

33.  In observation main part is played by
A. eyes B. hair
C. arms D. None of these

34.  Which of the following is type of observation?
A. Controlled B. Uncontrolled
C. None of these

35.  "The participant observer using uncontrolled observation" is words of
A. P.V. Young B. C.A. Moser
C. Karl Marx

36.  Quasi participant observation is
A. mixed participant observation. B. participant observation.
C. non-participant observation.

37.  Experiment is
A. means for verifying the hypothesis B. organising social data
C. overlooking

38.  Experiment is divided into
A. two groups B. four groups
C. unlimited groups

39.  Which of the following is group of experiment?
A. independent variables B. dependent variables
C. both of these

40.  Independent variables are group of
A. case study B. experiment
C. survey

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