CSS :: Community

41.  Which of the following is true of community?
A. It does not indicate procedures. B. It indicates procedure.
C. None of above

42.  "Social institutions are the very heart of a culture of a community undoubtedly its proud", was said by
A. Ginsberg B. K. Young
C. Maclver

43.  Manifest functions of an institution are those which are
A. unstable B. unorganised
C. None of these

44.  Which of the following is not concern with the institution of family?
A. Child B. Marriage
C. Family businees

45.  Which of the following is not function of social institution?
A. setting up social norms. B. Imposing morality and ethics.
C. Developing social etiquettes.

46.  Which of the following is not essential element of community?
A. Locality B. Common behaviour
C. Common way of life

47.  Which of the following is true of an association?
A. It represents human aspect. B. It is abstract.
C. It is mode and nothing else.

48.  Which of the following is not true of an institution?
A. It grows automatically. B. It performs fundational functions.
C. It represents human aspect.

49.  Who has tried to divide the functions of an institution as manifest and latent?
A. K. Davis B. Merton
C. Maclver

50.  Society can be properly studied if latent and manifest functions are
A. kept separate from each other. B. allowed to come closer to each other.
C. not allowed to interfere with each other.

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