CSS :: Community

11.  The basic element of community is
A. created by an agreement B. natural
C. common thinking

12.  Which of the following is not the main factor responsible for the development of community?
A. Habit B. Loyalities
C. Social difference

13.  Community changes come because
A. society welcomes changes B. society is static
C. society is not static

14.  Which one of the following is not the main cause responsible for bringing changes in the community?
A. Political difference B. Economic disparity of members
C. Changing need of society

15.  Which of the following is not common both to the community and the society?
A. Discrete B. Need population
C. None of these

16.  Which of the following is not true about community?
A. It is concrete. B. It needs area.
C. It is discrete.

17.  Which of the following is not applicable to community?
A. It is self-sufficient. B. It needs some area.
C. It must be self-sufficient.

18.  The major difference between society and community is that
A. both are self-sufficient B. both need some area
C. None of these

19.  The distinguishing feature of community and society is
A. both give scope for expression. B. both have some extensive common objective.
C. None of above

20.  Which of the following is true of society but not of community?
A. It is arealess B. It came prior to man
C. both of these

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