CSS :: U.S.S.R Constitution

71.  The council of ministers was appointed:
A. By secretary general of CPSU B. By president of USSR
C. By supreme soviets D. None of them

72.  The procurator general was elected:
A. By supreme soviets B. By soviets of republics
C. By soviets of nationalities D. None of them

73.  A candidate of the supreme soviets must be:
A. 20 years of age B. 22 years of age
C. 24 years of age D. None of them

74.  Each chamber of the supreme soviets had:
A. A President B. A Chairman
C. A Speaker D. None of them

75.  The Stalin constitution is called:
A. The constitution of 1918 B. The constitution of 1924
C. The constitution of 1936 D. None of them

76.  A federal form of government was envisaged by:
A. The constitution of 1918 B. The constitution of 1924
C. The constitution of 1945 D. None of them

77.  General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Glasnost and Perestroika in an attempt to modernize:
A. Communism B. Socialism
C. Capitalism D. None of them

78.  According to article 17 of the constitution:
A. Every republic had the right to make its own constitution B. Every republic had the power to have commerce with foreign countries
C. Every republic had the power to leave USSR D. None of them

79.  The highest organ of state power in every republic was:
A. The presidium of the republic B. The supreme soviet of the republic
C. Republican congress D. None of them

80.  Each autonomous region was entitled to send:
A. 5 deputies to the Supreme Soviet B. 5 deputies to the soviet of nationalities
C. 5 deputies to the congress of soviet D. None of them

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