CSS :: U.S.S.R Constitution

21.  The USSR was dissolved in:
A. 1989 B. 1990
C. 1991 D. None of these

22.  The number of Union Republics which got seats in the UNO is:
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. None of these

23.  The largest government in the world is of:
A. India B. Britain
C. USA D. Russia

24.  Article 102 provided that justice in the USSR was administrated by:
A. By the federal court of USSR B. By the supreme court of USSR
C. By the high court of USSR D. None of these

25.  Soviet means:
A. Collective responsibility B. Collective leadership
C. A council D. None of these

26.  The soviets first appeared in :
A. Revolution of 1905 B. Revolution of 1917
C. Revolution of 1918 D. Revolution of 1936

27.  The autonomous republics existed within:
A. Territorial groups of republics B. Territory union republics
C. Soviet republic D. None of these

28.  Every national area had the right to send:
A. Three representatives to the soviet of nationalities B. Two representatives to the soviet of nationalities
C. One representative to the soviet of nationalities D. None of these

29.  The constitution of 1936 remained in force for more than:
A. Thirty five years B. Forty years
C. Forty five years D. None of these

30.  The supreme legislative organ of former Soviet Union was:
A. Supreme Soviet B. The council of minister
C. Soviet of nationalities D. None of them

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