CSS :: The Rights

21.  The right to have a family life is:
A. Moral rights B. Political right
C. Civil rights D. Natural right

22.  Right to elect and hold elected office is:
A. Natural right B. Fundamental right
C. Civil right D. Political right
E. Moral right    

23.  Individuals can't claim any rights against:
A. The Council of Ministers B. Prime Minister
C. State D. Sovereign

24.  Rights and duties are:
A. Contradictory B. Clashing and at cross purpose
C. Co-related D. Not concerned with each other

25.  Rights can be safeguarded by:
A. Giving more duties to citizens B. Giving more powers to police
C. Separating executive from judiciary D. Giving more rights to the citizens
E. Using extensive force    

26.  The concept of rights:
A. Has been there since very old times B. Is very recent
C. Was not known to medieval people D. Was not known to the people of ancient India

27.  Which right has been added to the category of rights in our modern times i.e. right to?
A. Life B. Liberty
C. Property D. Work

28.  All rights enjoyed by the citizens must be compatible with:
A. Culture B. Civilisation
C. International understanding D. Common welfare
E. Social customs    

29.  Rights can't be claimed against:
A. State B. Government
C. Prime Minister D. Elected representatives

30.  In a civilised state the citizens are supposed to:
A. Enjoy rights only B. Perform duties only
C. Enjoy more rights but performs few duties D. Believe that each right has a corresponding duty

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