CSS :: Public Opinion

31.  The importance of pblic opinion for the successful working of democracy lies in the fact that:
A. It shapes the policies of the government and exercises control over it B. It works for the prosperity of the community
C. It protects the people D. It ensures independence of judiciary

32.  Which one of the following agencies exercises maximum influence on the formulation of public opinion:
A. Educational institutions B. Religious institution
C. Trade associations D. Press and radio

33.  The hindrances in the way of formulation of sound public opinion are given below. Which one of them is not correct?
A. Unscrupulous press B. Superstition and conservatism
C. Absence of civil liberties D. Educational institutions

34.  Which one of the following statements is the best definition of the public opinion?
A. The aggregate of all identical personal opinions on a specific issue B. The sum-total of the opinions of a majority
C. The aggregate of personal opinions held by certain influential individuals D. Politically significant views shared and voiced by relatively large segments in a political community

35.  Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as an agency of public opinion?
A. The Press B. Eeducational Institutions
C. Political Parties D. None of the above

36.  Who said "The success of democratic government depends upon the degree to which the public opinion is sound, well developed and effective in controlling the actions and policies of government"
A. Barker B. Garner
C. MacIver D. Gettell

37.  "Public opinion is commonly used to denote the aggregate of the views men held regarding matters that affect or interest the community". Who made the above statement?
A. Bryce B. Barker
C. Garner D. Graham Wallas

38.  Which one of the following factors hampers the growth of a healthy public opinion in a country?
A. Free press B. Political Parties
C. Poverty of the people D. Illiteracy

39.  In a democratic government, the importance of public opinion is wry great. Democracy becomes real only when there is strong and effective public opinion. Which one of the following statements is relevant regarding the meaning of public opinion?
A. Public opinion is necessarily majority opinion B. Public opinion is the opinion of all the people of the society
C. Public opinion is opposed to common good D. Public opinion is the reasoned and conscious opinion of the dominant action of community based on the ideal of general welfare and common-good

40.  Of a government constantly ignores republic opinion:
A. People would become indifferent towards government B. People would revolt against the government
C. The people shall cease to have any public opinion D. It would greatly weaken the country and undermine the legitimacy of the government

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