CSS :: Public Opinion

21.  Public opinion means:
A. Sum-total of confused and incoherent opinions held by different groups of citizens B. Unanimous opinion of all the citizens
C. A definite opinion, which is the result of a process of clarification and co-ordination of views held by different persons D. Majority opinion

22.  Certain features of public opinion are given below, but one of them has been wrongly listed. Tick the same.
A. Public opinion is definite opinion B. Public opinion is based on sound arguments and reasons
C. Gererally it is the opinion of the intellectual minority D. Public opinion is based on common good

23.  Amongst the agencies of public opinion the press plays an inportant role. Press can be an effective agency of public opinion only if:
A. It is committed to the policies of the government B. It is free and impartial
C. It supports the cause of the weaker sections D. It is highly critical of government policies

24.  There are numerous agencies for the formulation of public opinion. One of them has been wrongly listed below. Tick the same:
A. Political Parties B. Radio and Cinema
C. Legislature D. Judiciary

25.  One of the strongest hindrances in the way of formation of sound public opinion is:
A. Propaganda of radio, relevision and cinema B. A dishonest and mischievous press
C. Progagands of political parties D. Religious institutions

26.  Public platform is a better agency of public opinion than the press because:
A. It has direct appeal B. It is the best way to win the support of the educated people
C. It can influence comparatively larger number of people D. It has wider appeal

27.  The political parties influence the public opinion by:
A. Propagating their own programme B. By criticizing the government
C. By acquainting the people with important public questions D. By keeping direct contact with the people

28.  Educational institutions help in the formulation of public opinion by:
A. Imparting education B. By paying attention to the physical and mental development of students
C. By inculcating moral qualities D. By cultivating habit of independent thinking and formulating correct opinion

29.  The legislature in a democratic country can influence public opinion by:
A. Enacting laws B. By prescribing the duties of citizens
C. By granting rights D. By focusing public attention on various problems facing the country during the course of parliamentary debates

30.  Law and public opinion:
A. Are generally opposed to each other B. Generally conform to each other
C. There is no relationship between the two D. Law creates the public opinion

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