CSS :: Public Opinion

1.  Public opinion means:
A. Opinion of educated persons B. Opinion of elites of the society
C. Majority opinion D. Minority opinion
E. Opinion of the majority, which takes into consideration the interests of all    

2.  Which one of the following does not help in the formation of public opinion?
A. Newspapers B. Educational system
C. Radio D. Television
E. Playground    

3.  Which one of the following is not very necessary for the formation of public opinion?
A. Cinema B. Press
C. Neighbourhood D. T.V.
E. Political parties    

4.  Which one of the following is not true about the role of political parties in the formation of public opinion?
A. These hold public meetings B. These spread political literature
C. These help in the selection of candidates D. These highlight main political problems
E. These draw attention to national affairs    

5.  Which one of the following is not true about political parties in the formation of public opinion?
A. These help in maintaining link between the people and the representatives B. These provide political education to common man
C. These focus attention of the people on international political issues D. These highlight failings and faltering of each other
E. None of the above    

6.  If sound public opinion is to be formed for that it is essential that:
A. Press should be free B. Religious bodies should be active
C. People should be given the right to property D. There should be right to education
E. There should be right to leisure    

7.  For the formation of sound public opinion it is essential that:
A. The government should be coalition one B. The government should be non-aligned
C. The government should bot control mass media D. There should be single party system
E. The women should have right to vote    

8.  Which of the following is an essential element of public opinion?
A. Public issues B. Views of the majority but not of all
C. National thinking D. Sense of common good

9.  Which of the following is not expected to be discharged by the public opinion?
A. To control the arbitrariness of the government B. To awaken public consciousness on ;oblic issues
C. To help contact between de-facto and de-jure sovereign D. To enable people to participate directly in the process of legislation
E. None of these    

10.  Which one of the following is not a great hindrance in the formation of sound public opinion?
A. Disparity in wealth B. Right to leisure
C. Lethargy of the people D. Illiteracy

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