CSS :: Property

61.  The Individualistic Theory of property is associated with:
A. Hobbes B. J.S. Mill
C. Adam Smith D. TH. Green

62.  According to the Individualistic theory of property:
A. Property should be equally distributed amongst all the individuals B. An individual should be left free to acquire as much property as he can
C. The state should ensure equitable distribution of property through law D. Property is a divine eift to man.

63.  The Socialist theory of property is:
A. In favour of equitable distribution of property B. In favour of equitable distribution of property
C. In favour of state control over all property D. In favour of absolute right to property

64.  The view that "all property is theift" was expressed by:
A. J.S. Mill B. Adam Smith
C. Marx D. Proudhon

65.  According to the idealistic theory of property:
A. Private property is a gift from God B. All private property is theft
C. Property is an essential condition for the fulfilment of personality D. Private property is the cause of social inequalities

66.  The idealistic theory of property is associated with the name of:
A. Locke B. Bentham
C. Kant D. Marx

67.  Which 'one the arguments in favour of private property given below, has been wrongly listed?
A. Right to private property is in keeping with the principle of equality B. Private property gives incentive to the individual to work hard
C. Private property gives a sense of security D. Private property promotes qualities of charity and benevolence

68.  The modern liberals are:
A. Opposed to private property B. In favour of absolute right to private property
C. In favour of common ownership of property D. In favour of regulation of property in larger interests of the seciety

69.  The Liberals are in favour of:
A. Confiscation of all private property B. Acquisition of property with compensation
C. Confiscation of property with nomical compensation D. Abolition of all private property

70.  The general opinion at present it is favour of:
A. Abolition of all private property B. Absolute rights to property
C. Right to property within limitations D. None of the above

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