CSS :: Property

51.  The Legal theory of property is associated with:
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. Austin D. Marx

52.  The Legal theory of property believes that:
A. Property is a natural right and law merely recognises it: B. Property is the creation of state
C. A person can be deprived of his property for the good of the community D. The legal ownership of all property vests in the head of the state

53.  Which one of the following thinkers challenged the right of the stte to curtail individual's right to property without his consent?
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. Rousseau D. All the above three thinkers

54.  The liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century were:
A. Opposed to right to private property B. In favour of limited right to property only
C. In favour of absolute right to private property D. In favour of equitable distribution property

55.  Who of the followings was opposed to private property?
A. J.S. Mill B. Adam Smith
C. Kant D. Bakunin

56.  With the emergence of the walfare state, emphasis begain to be laid on
A. Absolute right to private property B. Regulation of property in the interest of community
C. Abolition of right to private property D. None of the above

57.  Who said property is necessary for the realisation of one's will?
A. Marx B. Kant
C. Rousseau D. Plato

58.  Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Private property leads to exonomic equality B. Private property ecourages exploitation of the one class by another
C. Private property leads to moral and physical degeneration D. Private property gave rise to imperlialism and colonialism

59.  The Labour theory of property was first of all advocated by:
A. John Locke B. Adam Smith
C. Karl Marx D. Lenin

60.  The labour theory of property holds that:
A. Property should belong to labours alone B. Property was created as result of mixing of labour
C. Property should be equitably distributed amongst the lobourers D. A person who does not put in Physical labour should not be give anything to eat

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