CSS :: Political Parties and Pressure Group

41.  Which of the following is not an element of political party?
A. An organised group of persons B. Fedility to certain common principles
C. A common programme D. Acommon religion
E. None of these    

42.  Which of the following is not one of the functions of the political party?
A. To create public opinion B. To capture political power
C. To implement its policies D. To criticise government
E. To promote spiritualism and morality    

43.  Which of the following is not true about pressure group?
A. Its objects are limited B. Its membership is limited
C. It can use both constitutional and unconstitutional means D. It can be organised
E. It tries to capture political power    

44.  Which one of the following is not a function of pressure group?
A. To influence policy makers B. To donate to political parties
C. To introduce social reforms D. To sponsor favourable candidates for elections

45.  Which one of the following is a function of the pressure group?
A. To contest elections B. To actively align with ruling party
C. To actively support opposition D. To protect the interests of its members
E. To introduce social and political changes    

46.  Political parties are:
A. Essential for democracy B. Not essential for democracy
C. Essential for totalitarian government D. Not essential either for democracy or totalitarian government

47.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Political party is a natural association B. The members of political parties may not hold identical views on political, social and economic issues facing the country
C. Members of political party aim at capturing power through any method D. The political parties try to promote national interests

48.  Which one of the following features of a political party has been wrongly listed?
A. Political party is a voluntary association B. Members of political parties hold identical views on basic political, economic and other matters
C. Political parties aim at capturing power through any method D. Once the political party comes to power it tries to promote national rather than sectarian interests

49.  A reactionary political party is one which:
A. Clings to the old institutions B. Wants to abolish the present institutions and establish absolutely new institutions in their place
C. Believes in reforming the old institutions and retaining them D. Believesin conserving the present institutions as they are

50.  A conservative party believes in:
A. Conserving the old institutions B. Conserving the status quo
C. Reforming the present institutions D. Establishing new institutions in place of present ones

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