21.  What is the primary subject of Socrates' dialogues with Thaetetus?
A. The nature of human knowledge B. Whether or not God exists
C. The best form of civic government D. The origin of the universe

22.  Plato and his most esteemed student, Aristotle, both appear in the painting "The School of Athens" by which Renaissance masster?
A. Michaelangelo B. Raphael
C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Titian

23.  Plato was born in:
A. 427 B.C. B. 437 B.C.
C. 417 B.C. D. 327 B.C.

24.  Plato died in:
A. 337 B.C. B. 357 B.C.
C. 327 B.C. D. 347 B.C.

25.  In which Greek city was Plato born?
A. Sparta B. Stagira
C. Athens D. None of these

26.  In which Greek city was Plato died?
A. Sparta B. Stagira
C. Athens D. None of these

27.  Plato died at the age of:
A. 76 years B. 78 years
C. 79 years D. 80 years

28.  In Plato's 'The Republic", who does Socrates suggest should rule over society?
A. The military B. Nobody; no man should rule over any other man
C. An elected parliament D. An elite group of 'philosopherkings"

29.  ________ argues that the wrong types of literature and music can corrupt the youth of Greece, and must therefore be strictly controlled:
A. Xenophon B. Aristotle
C. Socrates D. None of these

30.  A pupil of Plato's great student, who developed the system of concentric spheres borrowed by Ptolemy, was this man who advanced the system of epicycles, adding an additional seven, laying the final groundwork for the system adopted by Aristotle and Ptolemy Who was he?
A. Eratosthenes B. Callipus
C. Diophantus D. Eppipides

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