11.  Who said "He who is of a calm and happy nature willhardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden:"
A. Eratosthenes B. Plato
C. Diophantus D. Eppipides

12.  Eudoxus was a great influence on:
A. Euclid B. Ptolemy
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

13.  Menaechmus was a pupil of:
A. Eudoxus B. Callipus
C. Perga D. Appollonius

14.  Which work of Plato's was most influenced by the mystical-scientificideas of the pythagoreans?
A. Crito B. Apology
C. Chermides D. Timaeus

15.  In "The Symposium" what Greek playwright suggests that all human beings are seeking their missing other halves?
A. Aristophanes B. Aeschylus
C. Sophocles D. Euripides

16.  Which of Plato's works describes the trial of Socrates, and Socrates' defense against charges that he was corrupting the youth of Athens?
A. Crito B. Meno
C. The Apology D. Timaeus

17.  Plato's writings mostly take the form of _______ , in which knowledge is revealed as two characters ask and answer questions of each other:
A. Dialogues B. Apology
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

18.  Plato established an important method which has been passed down through the ages. That is that, when one has a problem that has already been solved, one can work backwards from it until a statement can be reached of which the veracity has already been determined. In other words, a method of attaining proofs. In which of his works was this method established?
A. Politicus B. Meno
C. Protagoras D. Phaedo

19.  The origins of the fallacious insistence that the universe is perfect and that all planetary bodies make perfectly circular motions in their orbits is often traced to the works of Aristotle. But did Plato share these views:
A. Yes B. No

20.  In Plato's "The republic", Socrates argues for freedom of expression and against censorship:

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