CSS :: Marxian Theory of Origin Of State

41.  What was the contribution of Lenin to the development of Marxism?
A. Plato B. Marx
C. T.H. Green D. Sorel

42.  According to the Marxists:
A. The state is man's natural destination B. The state is a necessary evil
C. The state is an instrument for the promotion of the welfare of the people D. The states is a machine through which the ruling class imposes its will on the rest of the people

43.  Who said "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles"?
A. Hegel B. Marx
C. Max Weber D. Arendt

44.  According to Marx the modern bourgeois society is characterized by struggle between:
A. Capitalist and socialists B. Free men and slaves
C. Capitalist and worker D. Patrician and Plebeian

45.  The Marxist theory lays great emphasis on:
A. Materialistic aspect B. Social and religious aspects
C. Political aspects D. All the above

46.  According to Marx:
A. State arises when there exploitation of labour by capital B. State arises when class antagonism cannot be reconciled
C. State arises when population of the proletariat increases D. State arises when the proletariat class tries to overthrow capitalist class

47.  "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles". This expression is to be found in:
A. Anti-Duhring B. The Communist Manifesto
C. State and Revolution D. German Ideology

48.  Surplus value means:
A. Excessive value B. Low price
C. High profit D. Difference between wages and proceeds of sales

49.  "The evolution of economic production in a society determines its institutional and ideological superstructure". Who among the following is the author of this statement?
A. Max Weber B. Marx
C. Hegel D. J.S.Mill

50.  Which one of the following is not written by Karl Marx?
A. German Ideology B. Communist Manifesto
C. Paris manuscripts D. Poverty of Utopia

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