CSS :: Marxian Theory of Origin Of State

11.  According to Marxists in the primitive society the natural resources were under the control of:
A. The King B. The priests
C. All the people D. Military leaders

12.  The Marxists believe that the class distinctions made their appearance:
A. In the primitive society itself B. After man started leading settled life and took to cultivation
C. After the industrial revolution D. After the rise of nation state

13.  According to Marxists the slave owning society:
A. Preceded the creation of the state B. Followed the creation of the state
C. Did not exist at all D. None of the prove

14.  The Marxists believe that the state was created for:
A. Maintenance of law and order B. Protection of weaker sections
C. Elimination of slavery D. Suppression and exploitation of slaves

15.  According to the Marxists the state is:
A. A divine institution B. A natural institution
C. A man made institution D. Result of evolution

16.  According to Marxists the capitalist state made its appearance:
A. In the fourteenth century B. Towards the close of eighteenth century
C. In the middle of the nineteenth century D. Only after people took to cultivation

17.  The Marxists believe that there cannot be any democracy in the capitalist society because:
A. People are not granted any political freedom B. Power is in the hands of the politicians
C. Elections are held after long interval D. Power is in the hands of rich classes

18.  The Marixsts want to do away with capitalist state by:
A. Educating the people about the evils of the capitalist state B. Securing majority in elections
C. Constant discussion and persuasion D. Violent revolution

19.  The proletarian state envisaged by Marx is:
A. The state which will be established after the overthrow of the capitalist state as a transitory measure B. A state in which the factory workers would control all the means of production and distribution
C. A state in which the real power will be in the hands of peasants and farmers D. A stateless and classless society, which the Marxists ultimately wish to establish

20.  One of the chief functions of the proletarian state according to Marx is:
A. To bring about revolution for the overthrow of capitalist system B. To promote Marxian ideology by regulation of education, art, culture, etc.
C. To impart compulsory military training to all able-bodied persons D. To improve the health of the people

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