CSS :: Marxian Theory of Origin Of State

1.  The book "Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" which contains an elaborate statement regarding the origin of state was written by:
A. Aristotle B. Plato
C. Max Weber D. Frederik Engels

2.  According to Marxists:
A. State is a welfare institution B. State is a class structure
C. State is an instrument of emancipation D. State is a positive good

3.  Which one of the following statements can be attributed to the Marxists?
A. State is the march of God on earth B. State is an instrument of Exploitation
C. State is a Necessary Evil D. State is a coordinating agency

4.  Who said that 'The State is nothing more than a machine' for the oppression of one class by another?
A. T.H. Green B. Plato
C. Marx D. Frederik Engels

5.  According to Marxists state uses institutions like army, police and courts for:
A. Promotion of common good B. Doing away the inequalities existing in the society
C. Promotion of the interests of the dominating class D. Protecting the weaker section of the society

6.  Marxists are in favour of:
A. Doing away with the state B. Restricting the activities of state
C. Granting greater powers to state D. Granting only military and police functions to the state

7.  According to Marxists, the primitive society, which existed before the creation of state, worked on the principle:
A. Might is right B. Survival of the fittest
C. From each according to his needs D. None of the above

8.  According to Marxists 'Primitive Communism' is the period.
A. Which will precede the final withering away of the state and establishment of a Communist State B. Which will flow in the wake of the revolution
C. Of the final state of Communism D. Prior to the creation of the state

9.  The 'primitive society' which existed prior to the creation of the state according to Marxists was
A. Characterised by class struggle B. A classless society
C. A class and co-operative society D. Having only four classes

10.  The 'primitive society' was regulated by:
A. Force B. Written laws
C. Religious rules D. Conventions and customs

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