CSS :: Marxian Socialism

21.  Under the dictatorship of the proletariat according to Karl Marx:
A. There will be all honour to mental labour B. Mental labour will be preferred over manual labour
C. Manual labour will be preferred over mental labour D. There will be no distinction between the mental and the manual labour

22.  According to Karl Marx under the dictatorship of the proletariat means of production will be used for:
A. The benefit of producers B. Social good
C. The benefit of consumers D. The welfare of the working labourers

23.  Which of the following is not an element of Marxism?
A. Dialectical materialism B. Historical materialism
C. The theory of surplus value D. The theory of class struggle
E. The view that the state is an ethical idea    

24.  Which of the following is correct about Marx?
A. He believed in the existence of a supreme universal soul B. He believed in the soul
C. He believed that the world is a manifestation of supreme universal soul D. He believed that matter is the ultimate reality
E. None of these    

25.  Marx borrowed from Hegel:
A. Materialistic philosophy B. The labour theory of value
C. The ideal of statesless society D. Dialectical method
E. The theory of surplus value    

26.  According to Marx motive force of history is:
A. God's will B. Great ideas
C. Great personalities D. Forces of production
E. None of these    

27.  Who of the following believed in class struggle?
A. J.S. Mill B. Hegel
C. T.H. Green D. Karl Marx

28.  Which one of the following is incorrect about Marx?
A. He advocated abolition of capitalism B. He stood for classless society
C. He pleaded stateless society D. He advocated abolition of religion
E. He pleaded for democracy as a means of social transformation    

29.  Marxian philosophy has been criticised because:
A. His idea that state will wither away has not come true B. His ideas that workers will unite has proved failure
C. For his philosophy that state will expand D. For his views about capitalist system

30.  Which one of the following is true about proletariat?
A. It is rule of capitalist class B. It is government by the people
C. It means rule of educated classes D. It means rule of the working classes

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