CSS :: Liberty

31.  The term liberty has been drawn from the Latin term:
A. Libel B. Lingua
C. Labour D. Liber

32.  Who said that 'Liberty is the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity of be their nest self"?
A. Laski B. Green
C. Marx D. Hobbes

33.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Liberty means absence of all restraints B. Liberty means power to do whatever one pleases
C. Liberty means absence of oppression D. Liberty is not total absence of restraints but the existence of socially acceptable restraints

34.  Who said that liberty consists in following the moral law?
A. Cole B. Spinoza
C. Marx D. Barker

35.  The view that "Liberty consists in following the moral law" is associated with:
A. Indiviualists B. Idealists
C. Utilitarian D. Socialists

36.  Who of the followings was an advocate of positive liberty?
A. Marx B. Green
C. Bentham D. J.S.Mill

37.  Who of the followings is considered the chief advocate of negative liberty?
A. T.H. Green B. Laski
C. Barker D. Bentham

38.  Who said that 'liberty is the absence of all restraints'?
A. Laski B. Hegel
C. Kant D. Seeley

39.  According to the individualists the people have maximum liberty if:
A. The state performs maximum functions B. The state performs minimum functions
C. The state is abolished D. None of the above

40.  Liberty in negative sense means:
A. Liberty granted by the laws of the land B. Right to do whatever one likes
C. Right to do what is acceptable to majority of the people in a society D. Imposition of maximum restraints

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