CSS :: Justice

41.  Political justice is ensured by:
A. Courts B. Political parties
C. Constitution D. All the there

42.  Economic dimensions of justice have been emphasised by:
A. Individualists B. Idealists
C. Socialists D. All the three

43.  The Parliament and the Constitution are instruments of:
A. Legal Justice B. Political Justice
C. Economic Justice D. Social Justice

44.  The view that there is close relationship between Justice and Liberty is associated with the:
A. Marxists B. Anarchists
C. Fascists D. Liberals

45.  The view that there is close relationship between Justice and Equality is attributed to
A. Individualists B. Socialists
C. Idealists D. Anarchists

46.  Which one of the following attributes of Justice has been wrongly listed below?
A. Justice is viewed in relation to human beings B. Justice has a relation with equality
C. Justice has relation with liberty as well as equality D. Justice does not permit discrimination under any circumstances

47.  In the political shpere justice consists in:
A. Entrusting the responsibility of government to propertied people who know the art of governing B. Entrusting power to the educated people
C. Giving share to all persons in the administration of their country D. Maintaining the status quo

48.  In the economic sphere justice implies:
A. A person whould be permitted to keep the unearned income B. Every body should be given same salary irrespective of the nature of job
C. There should be free play of economic forces in the society D. The basic needs of all the people must be met

49.  The history of political philosophy is the history of quest for:
A. Justice B. Equality
C. Liberty D. Power

50.  The idealist theory of Justice, which emphasised the moral element of justice, was first of all propounded by:
A. Aristotle B. Plato
C. Machiavelli D. Marx

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