CSS :: Democracy

91.  Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a critic of democracy?
A. Locke B. Lecky
C. Maine D. Leveleye

92.  Lord Bryce defines democracy as:
A. "A form of government in which the will of majority of qualified rules." B. "The progress of all, through all under the leadership of the best and the wisest."
C. "Government by the freely chosen representatives of the people and not by the people themselves." D. "Nothing more than an experiment in government."

93.  Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as an essential attribute of democracy?
A. Freedom of speech B. Freedom of religion
C. Equality before law D. Equality of property

94.  Lord Bryce has written "That form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the community as a whole". Which form of government he is referring to?
A. Democracy B. Parliamentary government
C. Federal government D. Unitary government

95.  Which one of the following criticisms holds good for Western democracy?
A. It promotes apathy towards Politics B. It is characterised by vast socioeconomic inequalities
C. It leads to monopoly over the means of communications D. All the above

96.  The two words 'demos' and 'cratia' from which democracy draws its origin belong to:
A. Latin language B. Greek language
C. French language D. Spanish language

97.  Who defined democracy as "a government in which everyone has a share"?
A. Rousseau B. Bryce
C. Seeley D. Abraham Lincoln

98.  The two forms of democracy are:
A. Parliamentary and Presidential B. Direct and indirect
C. Monarchical and Republican

99.  Which one of the following ancient thinkers regarded democracy as a perverted form of government?
A. Plato B. Socrates
C. Aristotle D. Cicaro

100.  Who said, "Democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorising governments or in some other way getting laws and political decision made."
A. Macpherson B. J.S.Mill
C. Joseph Schumpeter D. Lipset

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