CSS :: Constitutional Development And National Movement in Subcontinent

71.  Indian Council's Act, 1909 is commonly known as:
A. Morley-Minto Reforms B. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
C. Act of Dyarchy D. Act of Provincial Autonomy
E. None of these    

72.  In your opinion which one of the following was not one of the causes of passing of Indian Council's Act, 1909?
A. Lord Curzon followed stiff necked policies B. In 1905 partition of Bengal was decided
C. Japan was defeated miserably by Russia D. Indians abroad were being humiliated
E. The people of India were suffering from groaning poverty    

73.  Muslim League in India was founded in the year:
A. 1804 B. 1905
C. 1906 D. 1907
E. 1908    

74.  Under the Act of 1909 strength of additional members of Governor-General's Council was fixed at:
A. 45 B. 50
C. 55 D. 60
E. 65    

75.  Under the Act of 1909 strength of additional members of Governor's Council of the provinces of Bombay, Madras and Bengal was fixed at:
A. 45 B. 50
C. 55 D. 60
E. 65    

76.  Each Governor's Council was to have:
A. Only nominted members B. Only official members
C. Only non-official members D. Both official non-official and elected members

77.  Under the Act of 1909 in the Imperial Legislative Council:
A. Official majority was maintained B. Non-official majority was maintained
C. Majority consisted of elected representatives D. Majority consisted of those elected on the basis of limited franchise

78.  Under the Act of 1909 for non-official nominated members:
A. High educational qualifications were fixed B. Property qualifications were fixed
C. Residential qualifications were fixed D. No qualifications were prescribed
E. Were to be those who must be essentially bureaucrats    

79.  Right to put supplementary questions to the members of Legislative Councils was given under the Act of:
A. 1892 B. 1909
C. 1919 D. 1935
E. None of these    

80.  Which on of the following is not true about the Act of 1909?
A. Legislative Councils were permitted to discuss budget B. Members of Legislative Councils could suggest changes in taxation proposals
C. Presiding Officer could not disallow any question D. Members were allowed to put supplementary questions
E. Government could create other executive councils    

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