CSS :: International Law

61.  Who said, "International Law is the body of principles and rules which civilized State consider as binding upon them in their mutual relations":
A. Birkenhead B. Starke
C. Hughes D. Hall

62.  Who said, "International Law is law in the true sense of the term":
A. Oppenheim B. Hart
C. Hall D. Starke

63.  The General Assembly is:
A. The principal Organ of UNO B. All ordinary of UNO
C. A check on the Security Council D. None of these

64.  The following are immune under the from extradition :
A. Former Heads of State B. Former Heads of Government
C. Senior Citizens D. None of these

65.  League of Nations was not joined by:
A. U.S.A. B. France
C. U.K. D. None of these

66.  Dejure Recognition is:
A. Legal Recognition B. Circumstantial Recognition
C. Recognition in Principle D. None of these

67.  Judges of the ICJ are:
A. Elected by the Security Council B. Elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council
C. Appointed by the Security-General in consultation with the five permanent members of the Security Council D. None of these

68.  According to the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Territorial Sea is:
A. 6 nautical miles B. 8 nautical miles
C. 12 nautical miles D. None of these

69.  Under the Convention of the Law Sea, the breadth of the exclusive Economic Zone is:
A. 100 nautical miles B. 200 nautical miles
C. 300 nautical miles D. None of these

70.  A lower riparian State:
A. Has no right to share water resources of an international river B. Has exclusive right
C. Has a right to share water on an equitable basis D. None of these

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