Entry Test MCQ :: Nuclear Physics

41.  Sterilization of surgical instruments medical supplies and bandages can be done by exposing them to a beam of
A. ?-rays B. ?-rays
C. ?-rays D. b and c have equal antiseptic properties

42.  Charge on ?-particles is
A. plus one B. plus two
C. minus two D. minus one

43.  ?-particle ionizes an atom
A. through direct collision B. through electrostatic attraction
C. through electrostatic repulsion D. all of above

44.  T.V sets and microwave ovens emits
A. X-rays B. ?-rays
C. ?-rays D. ?-rays

45.  A ?-particle in a single encounter
A. loses a small fraction of its energy B. losses most of its energy
C. loses no energy at all D. loses all of its energy

46.  Strontium-90 is used as
A. ?-particle source B. ?-particle source
C. ?-rays source D. neutron source

47.  The penetration power of ?-particle as compared to ?-particle is
A. 10 times more B. 100 times more
C. 100 times less D. 10 times less

48.  Geiger counter is suitable for
A. fast counting B. extremely fast counting
C. slow counting D. all situations

49.  A ?-particle can produce fluorescence in
A. ZnS B. barium platinocyanide
C. calcium tungstate D. all of above

50.  Pair production cannot take place in vacuum as ________ is not conserved
A. energy B. charge
C. mass D. momentum

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