Entry Test MCQ :: Measurements

31.  Which one is the derived quantity in SI units?
A. electric current B. electric charge
C. plane angle D. amount of substance

32.  Which one is the correct representation of the unit of pressure?
A. Newton/Meter2 B. newton/meter2
C. Newton/meter2 D. newton/Meter2

33.  Which one is the dimensionally correct equation?
A. f=vt B. S=Vit+1/2at2
C. V=St D. V=f/t

34.  Zero error of the instrument is a type of
A. random error B. personal error
C. systematic error D. classified error

35.  In multiplication and division of measurement
A. percentage uncertainties are added B. absolute uncertainties are added
C. percentage uncertainties are divided D. absolute uncertainties are divided

36.  The number of significant figures in 5.400 are
A. three B. five
C. two D. none

37.  To reduce the uncertainty in the timing experiment
A. highly precise instrument B. conduct at room temperature
C. count more number of vibration D. both a and c

38.  The unmber of significant figures in the length of a bar 6200mm measured by meter rod are
A. four B. three
C. two D. none of these

39.  The number 76.85 is rounded off upto two significant figures as
A. 76.8 B. 77
C. 76.9 D. none of these

40.  Which of the following is not a correct representation method for prefixes
A. 1mm B. 10km
C. 1000um D. both (a) and (b)

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