Engineering :: Environmental Engineering

201.  Which thermometer is used to indicate the lowest temperature?
A. Clinical thermometer B. Alcohol thermometer
C. Resistance thermometer D. Liquid thermometer

202.  Which of the following measures the heat of combustion?
A. Bomb's calorimeter B. Thermostat
C. Beckmann's thermometer D. Refrigerator

203.  What is a laser?
A. Electro-magnetic waves B. Ultrasonic waves
C. Supersonic waves D. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

204.  Bit is the unit of
A. Amount of rain recorded B. Memory of computer
C. Quantity of electricity D. Intensity of an earthquake
E. None of these    

205.  Theodolite is used by
A. Surveyors B. Cartrographers
C. Physicists D. Electronic Engineers

206.  Which one of the following gases shows a different behaviour at high pressure?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Water vapours
C. Hydrogen D. Ozone

207.  The atmosphere gets heated up mainly by
A. Direct sun-rays B. Radiation from the earth's surface
C. Heat of the earth's interior D. Radiogenic heat

208.  Which of the following is an artificial source of energy?
A. Sun B. Coal
C. Wood D. Electricity

209.  Which of the following is used in the recently developed technology for communication?
A. Optical fibre B. Glass fibre
C. Nylon fibre D. Quartz fibre

210.  Which of the following units measures the memory of the Computer?
A. Volts B. Amperes
C. Ohms D. Bits

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