Engineering :: Environmental Engineering

191.  The number of air changes per hour recommended for auditoria is
A. 3 to 6 B. 6 to 10
C. 10 to 12 D. 15 to 20

192.  Which of the following space needs maximum number of air changes per hour?
A. Assembly halls B. Restaurants
C. Bed-rooms D. Class rooms

193.  Air pollutants common to urban environments are
A. sulphur dioxide B. particulate matter
C. Hydrocarbons D. All of the above

194.  Electrostatic precipitators are largely used in
A. water treatment plants B. sewage disposal plants
C. Thermal power plants D. nuclear power plants

195.  What will be the colour of red rose when it is seen through green glass?
A. White B. Black
C. Pink D. Brown
E. Green    

196.  In the jet propulsion, efficiency of the propulstion depends upon
A. The speed of the vehicle B. Height at which the vehicle is travelling
C. Density of the medium in which the vehicle is travelling D. All of the above

197.  Which of the following is/are renewable sources of energy?
A. Fall or flow of water B. Sun
C. Wood D. All of the above

198.  Short circuit means:
A. Direct flow of current between two points of different potential B. Indirect flow of current between two points
C. Direct flow of current between points of the same potential D. none of the above

199.  The most injurious components of automobile exhaust for environment are
A. Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide B. Carbon monoxide and lead
C. Ethylene dichloride and ethylene dibromide D. Carbon dioxide and Sulphur dioxide

200.  Black holes are celestial bodies which
A. Have strong magentic field B. Have strong electrical field
C. Do not allow any light to escape outside D. Are self luminous bodies

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