Engineering :: Engineering Materials

71.  The percentage of carbon in low carbon steel is
A. 0.15 B. 0.5
C. 0.7 D. 1
E. 1.3    

72.  The presence of sulphur in pig iron makes
A. It hard B. It brittle
C. It malleable D. It machinable
E. Its casting unsound    

73.  The technique of converting metallic powders into articles of definite form is known as
A. High pressure pressing B. Carbiding
C. Powder metallurgy D. Plasticizing
E. None of the above    

74.  In powder metallurgy the process of heating the cold pressed metal powder is known as
A. Sintering B. Granulation
C. Deposition D. Precipitation
E. None of the above    

75.  The process of shaping thin metals by pressing it against form while it is rotating is known as
A. Pressing B. Bending
C. Trimming D. Extruding
E. Metal spinning    

76.  Which one is different from the others in press work operations?
A. Coining B. Sizing
C. Flattening D. Riveting
E. Punching    

77.  In press work the dies that perform two or more operations simultaneously, but at different stations are known as
A. Simple dies B. Compound dies
C. Progressive dies D. Die and punch set
E. Multi-dies    

78.  Which one is different from the remaining
A. Cynding B. Nitriding
C. Flame hardening D. Electroplating
E. Pack carburizing    

79.  Which process is different from the others
A. Short peening B. Sand blasting
C. Cold extruding D. Cold heading
E. Drop forging    

80.  The process of pulling a rod through series of decreasing diameters is known as
A. Staking B. Stretch forming
C. Metal spinning D. Trimming
E. Wire drawing    

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