Engineering :: Engineering Materials

61.  Moh's scale of hardness has the range
A. 1--3 B. 1--5
C. 5--10 D. 1--10
E. 10--15    

62.  Iron alloyed with carbon more than 2% is called
A. Cast iron B. Mild steel
C. Carbon steel D. High carbon steel
E. Alloy steel    

63.  German silver contains
A. No silver B. 0.1% silver
C. 1% silver D. 5% silver
E. 10% silver    

64.  Aluminium alloys for pressure die casting
A. Must possess considerable fluidity B. Must not be free from hot shortness
C. Must have iron as one of the constituents D. Must be light
E. None of the above    

65.  Corrosion is a destructive attack on metals
A. Which may be chemical or electrochemical in nature B. Which is basically caused by atmospheric air
C. Which is caused by contact with other metals D. At high temperature
E. None of the above    

66.  The process of producing parts by electrolytic deposition of metal upon a conductive removable mould or matrix is known as
A. Deposition B. Plating
C. Electrolysis D. Electro-moulding
E. Electro forming    

67.  Electro-forming is particularly vauable for
A. Good conductors of electricity B. Decorative items
C. Thin walled parts requiring a high order of accuracy and internal surface finish D. Non-ferrous components
E. Parts which cannot be machined    

68.  In electro-forming the metal is supplied to the mould from
A. Solution B. By liquids
C. Electrolytic solution in which bar of pure metal acts as an anode for the plating current D. Separately by coating with a point
E. None of the above    

69.  Metal spinning
A. Is done at low speeds B. Is done on unsymmetrical articles
C. Is done on symmetrical articles D. Does not require dies
E. Utilises point hard tools    

70.  Which one is different from the others in press work
A. Embossing B. Bulging
C. Cupping D. Tube forming
E. Notching    

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