Engineering :: Engineering Materials

11.  Stress concentration may be caused by
A. Change in cross-sectional area B. Change in shape
C. Change in dimensions D. Polishing or painting a surface
E. A home or a notch in the body    

12.  The amount of energy expended by the action of external force in deforming an elastic body is known as
A. Elastic energy B. Deformation energy
C. Work done D. Potential energy
E. Strain energy    

13.  If a body has identical properties all over it is known as
A. Homogeneous B. Isentropic
C. Ductile D. Elastic
E. Plastic    

14.  Some engineering materials are made up of more than one phase, with different mechanical properties, such materials are known as
A. Discontinuous B. Brittle
C. Plastic D. Heterogeneous
E. None of the above    

15.  When the metals are severely deformed in a particular direction, as in rolling or forging (on a macro scale), the mechanical properties may be
A. Identical B. Isotropic
C. Anisotropic D. Uniform
E. Non-uniform    

16.  If a material recovers its original dimensions, when the load is removed, it is known as
A. Brittle B. Elastic
C. Plastic D. Annealed
E. Soft    

17.  Plastic deformation which is carried out in a temperature region and over a time interval such that the strain hardening is not relieved is known as
A. Hot work B. Cold work
C. Annealing D. Bauschinger effect
E. None of the above    

18.  Most of the energy expended in deforming a metal by cold working is
A. Utilised in overcoming deformation stresses B. Utilised in deforming the metal
C. Converted into heat D. Consumed in developing internal stresses
E. None of the above    

19.  Identify the incorrect statement, if any
A. A dislocation is the linear lattice defect that is responsible for nearly all aspects of the plastic deformation of metals B. The strain field at the dislocation results in a different intensity
C. The strain field at the dislocation results in a different intensity D. Dislocations in real crystals are rarely straight lines and rarely lie in a single plane
E. Dislocations in real crystals are generally straight lines which are generally in same plane    

20.  A ductile fracture is characterized by
A. Rapid rate for crack propagation B. Negligible deformation
C. Fragmentation into more than two pieces D. Appreciable plastic deformation prior to propagation of crack
E. None of the above    

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