Engineering :: Engineering Materials

91.  Identify the incorrect statement
A. When material is cold worked the resulting change in material shape brings about marked changes in the grain structure B. Structural changes in cold working are grain fragmentation and lattice distortion
C. Much greater pressures are needed for ot working than for cold working D. Hot working performed on the metals is in a plastic state
E. Residual stresses are set up in cold working    

92.  The amount of cold work that a metal will stand is dependent upon
A. Room temperature B. Carbon percentage
C. Process D. Purity of metal
E. Ductility    

93.  The advantage of electroforming is
A. Extreme dimensional accuracy can be held on surfaces with surface finish of 8 r.m.s. or even less B. Laminated metals can be produced
C. Rate of production is very high D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above    

94.  The limitations of electroforming are
A. Cost is high B. Production rate is generally very low
C. Recesses can be easily formed D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above    

95.  The process of zinc coating used extensively for protecting steel from atmospheric deterioration is known as
A. Anodizing B. Colourizing
C. Pakerizing D. Galvanizing
E. None of the above    

96.  Process of making a thin phosphate coating on steel to act as a base or primer for enamels and paints in known as
A. Prepainting B. Surface preparing
C. Parkerizing D. Anodising
E. Colourizing    

97.  Galvanizing is generally done on
A. Low carbon steels B. Cast iron
C. Non-ferrous metals D. Non-metallic substances
E. None of the above    

98.  In high speed steel the maximum percentage of any alloying element is
A. Carbon B. Tungsten
C. Chromium D. Vanadium
E. Molybdenum    

99.  In inverse rate curve
A. The abscissa is carbon percentage B. The abscissa is temperature
C. The abscissa is time D. The ordinate is time
E. The ordainate is temperature    

100.  The critical points for steels
A. Occur at same temperature for all steels B. Change the chemical composition of steel
C. May change in number on heating or cooling D. Cause change in physical properties
E. Indicate the minimum temperature below which structural changes in steel are not possible    

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