Engineering :: Turbo machines

61.  When working substance is released through nozzles, the direction of reaction will be
A. clockwise B. counter clockwise
C. either of (A) and (B) above D. direction depends on other design features

62.  In a velocity compounded steam turbine, as steam moves along moving and guide blades
A. pressure is low and velocity gradually decreases B. pressure gradually increases and velocity is low
C. both pressure and velocity gradually decrease D. Both pressure and velocity gradually increase.

63.  The effect of blade friction in a steam turbine is to
A. reheat the steam B. increase the specific output
C. reduce exhaust pressure D. reduce work done

64.  If stage efficiency is S, blade efficiency is B and nozzle efficiency in N, then
A. N = B.S B. S = B.N
C. B = SN D. BSN = 1

65.  Bleeding in steam turbine refers to
A. leakage of steam through bearings B. leakage of steam through packings
C. purposely withdrawn steam for process application D. purposely withdrawn for feed water heating

66.  Critical pressure for steam is
A. 185.85 kg/cm2 B. 212.55 kg/cm2
C. 225.65 kg/cm2 D. 245.55 kg/cm2

67.  An ideal fluid for vapour turbine cycle should have
A. high critical temperature with low pressure B. high critical temperature with high pressure
C. low critical temperature with high pressure D. low critical temperature with low presure

68.  Which of the following fluid can be used in binary vapour cycle?
A. Mercury B. Diphenyl oxide
C. Aluminium bromide D. any of the above

69.  Which of the following loss in steam turbines is negligible?
A. Residual velocity loss B. Leakage loss
C. Mechanical friction loss D. Radiation loss

70.  Which of the following is the least efficient method of governing steam turbines?
A. Nozzle control governing B. Throttle governing
C. Bypass governing D. Combined throttle and nozzle governing

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