Entry Test MCQ :: Percentage

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81.  A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a purchaser to get 4kg more for Rs. 80. The original price of 1 kg of sugar was:
A. Rs. 4.5 B. Rs. 5.50
C. Rs. 5 D. Rs. 6.50

82.  Income of A is 25% less than B. How much percent Bs income would be more than that of A?
A. 33?% B. 30
C. 35 D. 48%

83.  If the price of the coal be raised by 10% by how much percent a man must reduce its consumption so as not to increase his expenditure.
A. 30 B. 11
C. 9 1?11% D. 12.50%

84.  A school sent up 160 candidates and the result was 30%. Find out how many candidates were to be detained so that the result was 50%?
A. 48 B. 64
C. 95 D. 60

85.  A woman has a certain number of apples out of which 20% are bad. She gave 75% of remainder in the charity. Now she is having 51 apples how many did she have at the start?
A. 255 B. 600
C. 725 D. 900

86.  If y% of x is 29 then value of y is.
A. 2900 B. xy/100
C. 2900/x D. 29y
E. none    

87.  If x% of y is 29x then value of y is:
A. 29y B. 2900
C. 29x/100 D. xy/100
E. none    

88.  A man buys a certain number of bananas 24% of them are thrown away due to bad condition 25% of the remaining are given to a beggar and hence he has 57 bananas now. The total number of bad bananas is
A. 24 B. 25
C. 29 D. 31
E. 100    

89.  A got 20% lesser marks than B. The percent that A is less than B in terms of Bs marks is:
A. 16 ?% B. 16?%
C. 17?% D. 20%
E. none    

90.  Two successive discounts of 10% and 20% are equal to single discount of _______
A. 30% B. 31%
C. 32% D. 33%
E. 34%    

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