Entry Test MCQ :: Equations and Inequalities

41.  If -7
A. 13 B. 11
C. 15 D. 16

42.  In the above question what is the minimum integral value of y+x.
A. -12 B. -13
C. -14 D. -15
E. none    

43.  If a ? -b (a2-b2)/(a-b) = 40 then a+b =
A. 20 B. 60
C. 400 D. 40
E. none    

44.  If n = 4 and m = 7 then 1/n + 1/nm
A. 1?14 B. 2?7
C. 3?7 D. 4?15

45.  21d2 - 7d + 8 - 4d (2d-3) =
A. 14d2+8 B. 13d2+5d-8
C. 8d-8 D. 13d2+5d+8

46.  (x+4)(x-5) = 10 then x is?
A. 6 B. -5
C. both D. none

47.  (a10-c2)2 - (a10+c2)2 =
A. a20+c4 B. 0
C. a10+c2 D. ?4a10c2
E. 2a20+c4    

48.  If 1 ? -m then (12-m2)/(1+m) = 23 then 1-m =
A. 15 B. 25
C. 23 D. 13

49.  If x2 -16<0 which of the following must be true.
A. x > -4 B. x < 4
C. x < -4 D. x < -16
E. ?4 < x < 4    

50.  If y2-25<0 which of the following cannot be true.
A. y ? -4 B. y < -2
C. y ? + 1 D. y ? 5

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